Munir Meghjani Wants to Share Opportunities

Munir Meghjani

Oxford’s youngest legacy donor on record, Munir Meghjani 08Ox 10C is paving the way for future students.

“From the time I first set foot on the Oxford campus and Phi Gamma Hall greeted me with a giant inscription reading, ‘‍Cor prudentis possidebit scientiam,’ I knew that I had found my place,” recounts Munir Meghjani 08Ox 10C. “I am a naturally curious person and Oxford fueled my desire to explore, to question, and to pursue knowledge,” he continues. This ultimately led him to Emory, where he graduated with a degree in psychology with a focus on social philosophy in 2010. Munir attributes his current success as a commercial and investment real estate broker with Sands Investment Group to his formative years at Oxford which, “Revolutionized who I was as a person and built the platform to do everything that I do today.”

The child of immigrant parents who are, in his words, “smart but not well-educated,” Munir recognizes the ineffable value of his Oxford and Emory education. “I grew up low on the economic scale, and most of the kids in my realm did not end up going to college,” he says. Oxford and Emory fed his insatiable appetite for knowledge and fulfilled his desire to explore. The schools also promoted his entrepreneurial spirit and prepared him for real-world success, “Every job or career opportunity that I've had has leveraged one of my entrepreneurial goals,” he says.

In addition to leveraging his entrepreneurial skills to develop his professional portfolio, Munir practices social and civil entrepreneurship—another byproduct of his Emory experience—which reinforces his commitment to philanthropic causes. His heavy community involvement has shed light on the need for cultural diversity in Atlanta. He has played a critical role in the start of AROMA (Activist Recruiting Organizing & Mentoring in Atlanta), a group geared towards strategically and creatively mobilizing activists, and he also serves on boards including Emory University’s Alumni Board, as development chair; Georgia State’s Rialto Center for Arts, as board chair; Oxford College Alumni Board; Leadership DeKalb; and Interfaith Community Initiatives. 

As passionate as he is about sharing knowledge and volunteering his expertise, Munir’s experience on non-profit boards has instilled in him the vital importance of offering financial support. This led him to make the bold move to become one of the youngest alumni on record to make a commitment to Gift Planning through his estate. “I made a legacy gift to Oxford because I want to pass the opportunity on to those who can't financially afford to come here,” he says. With an eye on the future, and creating long-term impact, he continues, “I want to make sure we're sharing these opportunities with those less fortunate than ourselves.”

Munir believes that Oxford and Emory have the power and responsibility to serve humanity. “When people don’t have access to knowledge, they don’t have access to power,” Munir states. Emory’s commitment to uncover new knowledge—but also to share it—is truly empowering. “Knowledge gives us the ability to do what we want in the world, to make the world a better place, it creates opportunities and expands our options,” he concludes, tying his thesis together as neatly as his bowtie, “This is what allows us to become our best selves.”

Have you planned your legacy?

Learn how you can make a difference by including Emory in your estate plan. It is easier than you think. Please call the Emory Office of Gift Planning at 404.727.8875.